Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Entity Relationship Diagram

Question: Discuss about the Entity Relationship Diagram. Answer: Business Rules/Assumptions Some assumptions and business rules have been followed in the database development The address, telephone and mobile numbers of applications, members and site inspectors. All types of applications will be saved in separate tables to fetch the data easily. The reason of objections is mandatory to store into the database. The detail of cleared applications is also mandatory to store in the database. Logical Design / 3NF Relations Applicants (ApplicantID, Name, Address, TelPhoneNumber, Mobile) SuburbanArea (SubAreaID, Address, Length, Width) Lots (LotNumber, SubAreaID, Boundary1, Boundary2, Boundary3, Boundary4) Foreign Key (SubAreaID) References SuburbanArea (SubAreaID) Application (ApplicationID, ApplicationIssueDate, Detail, ApplicantID, LotNumber) Foreign Key (LotNumber) References Lot (LotNumber) Foreign Key (ApplicantID) References Applicants (ApplicantID) TreeRemoval (ApplicationID, NumberofTress, TotalCharges) Extension (ApplicationID, TotalCharges) Demolition (ApplicationID, TotalCharges) Construction (ApplicationID, TotalCharges) LotDivision (ApplicationID, TotalCharges) LotMerging (ApplicationID, TotalCharges) Members (MemberID, Name, Address, TelPhoneNumber, Mobile) Objections (ObjectionID, MemberID, ApplicationID, ObjectionIssueDate, ReasonofObjection) Foreign Key (ApplicationID) References Application (ApplicationID) Foreign Key (MemberID) References Members (MemberID) SiteInspector (ID, Name, Address, TelPhoneNumber, Mobile) ClearedApplications (ClearanceNumber, ApplicationID, ClearanceIssueDate, Detail) Foreign Key (ApplicationID) References Application (ApplicationID) InspectionReports (ClearanceNumber, ID, InspectionVisitDate, Details) Foreign Key (ClearanceNumber) References ClearedApplications (ClearanceNumber) Foreign Key (ID) References Inspector (ID) (TechTarget 2016) (Smartdraw 2016) References TechTarget (2016), entity relationship diagram, Available: https://searchcrm.techtarget.com/definition/entity-relationship-diagram. [Accessed: 15-August-2016] Smartdraw (2016), Entity Relationship Diagram, [Online]. Available: https://www.smartdraw.com/entity-relationship-diagram/. [Accessed: 15-August-2016] Freetutes.com (n.d.), Types of attributes, [Online]. Available: https://www.freetutes.com/systemanalysis/sa7-types-of-attributes.html. [Accessed: 15-August-2016] Edugrabs.com (2015), Types of Attributes in DBMS with Example (ER MODEL Part 2), [Online]. Available: https://www.edugrabs.com/type-of-attributes-in-dbms/. [Accessed: 15-August-2016]

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